A woman stands outside in front of a building
Rosa Anaya has been an advocate of peace and justice in El Salvador for 20 years. Photo by Oscar Leiva/Silverlight for CRS

Catholic Relief Services celebrates the accomplishments of our amazing team and the work they do helping those most in need.

Rosa Anaya has been an advocate of peace and justice in El Salvador for 20 years. She currently runs Second Chances, a CRS program that rehabilitates inmates in four prisons, preparing them to return to society and the workforce.

Rosa has developed innovative approaches to combat gang violence that provide young people from troubled backgrounds with marketable skills, access to jobs and psychosocial rehabilitation. Driven by her belief that violence is the product of an unjust society, Rosa also is pioneering restorative justice in El Salvador’s prison system.

Donate today to help Rosa Anaya—and CRS workers like her around the world—create lasting change in the lives of those most affected by violence and poverty.