Vision 2030 - Building Homes
Photo by Philip Laubner/CRS

Thank you for your interest in attending the Vision 2030-Building Homes: Home Is Everything webinar on Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 7 p.m. EDT / 4 p.m. PDT.

Home is everything. The loss of a home—which gravely impacts safety, health, education, prosperity, emotional well-being and dignity—can fracture a family’s identity and the roots of community. CRS is ready to put faith into action and expand shelter programming based on our core values—focused not just on building roofs and walls, but homes and communities. In following our Gospel mission, CRS is ready to deliver safe and dignified housing. In this ninth episode of the CRS Webinar Series, we’ll discuss CRS’ ambitious goal of building homes for 1.5 million people affected by crisis so they can live with dignity and begin to restore their torn lives. Our guests will discuss how CRS is going beyond providing shelter and immediate relief to strengthening community infrastructure and building environments where people can thrive.