Man holds daughter near farm
In Mexico, Alfredo (right) joined an agricultural program where he learned new farming techniques that helped him grow higher quality crops despite long periods of drought. Photo by Oscar Leiva/Silverlight for CRS

Tell your members of Congress that addressing the impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities is extremely important to you. 

World Day of Migrants and Refugees is Sept. 29. The effects of climate change can ruin lives and livelihoods, often leaving people with no choice but to leave their homes in search of food and work. Leading up to WDMR, join CRS supporters on Sept. 27 to collectively advocate on behalf of our sisters and brothers experiencing or considering displacement due to the challenges of a changing climate. 

 Use this form to post a pre-drafted message to your legislators, urging them to commit the U.S. to global leadership and action to address the impacts of rising global temperatures on vulnerable communities worldwide. 

 As Pope Francis stated in his apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, "We must move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes." 

 Thank you for taking one minute to lift your voice so all members of our global family can reach their God-given potential!