Man plants in a field
Farmers in Tanzania are learning irrigation techniques that help minimize damage to crops during times of heavy rain. Photo by Jennifer Lazuta/CRS

Invite your friends, family and community to join thousands of Catholics and others of goodwill for CRS’ Call Congress Day, happening during Laudato Si’ Week on May 21. Together we’ll advocate collectively on behalf of our sisters and brothers experiencing extreme hunger and food insecurity due to the consequences of rising global temperatures.  

Use this form to post a pre-drafted message to inspire others to participate in this exciting day of action. 

Climate change is destroying crops and livelihoods and increasing global food insecurity. As Pope Francis stated in his apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, "We must move beyond the mentality of appearing to be concerned but not having the courage needed to produce substantial changes." 

Thank you for taking one minute to invite others to join this united effort so that we can make an even bigger impact on Congress. When we come together in faith, there is no limit to the transformation we can achieve!