baby receives medical check up
Photo by Nanette Gendry for CRS

Your help is urgently needed! Let your members of Congress know that you are deeply concerned about the Administration’s recent decision to stop work on almost all U.S. foreign assistance programs. This freeze will be detrimental to millions of our sisters and brothers who need access to lifesaving humanitarian, health and development assistance.

The Administration has begun to issue immediate stop work orders on almost all foreign aid as they review State Department and USAID programs between now and April 20. New administrations usually review ongoing programs against their policy goals. However, ceasing almost all lifesaving humanitarian and development assistance during that time will have real impacts for human life and dignity and on U.S. national interests.

As people of faith, let us stand shoulder to shoulder with our sisters and brothers in need. Tell Congress to engage with the Administration to continue allowing foreign assistance programs to operate during the review process.

U.S. foreign aid is not a handout. It has real impact on human life and dignity and advances U.S national interests. It provides lifesaving assistance in emergencies and supports long-term development programs that help families and communities build resilience, reducing the need for humanitarian aid in the future. 

By advocating today, your voice can help: 

•    Infants access clean water.
•    Farmers feed their families.
•    Children receive critical medications to fight disease.

Thank you for taking action today! Together, let us continue to work for a world where all people can reach their God-given potential. 

Did you know? Research shows that constituents’ voices have significant influence on congressional members’ decision-making, especially when communications are personalized—like sharing a story or demonstrating the impact an issue will have in the district or state. Don’t forget to personalize your message!