Lift your voice now to tell lawmakers you care about helping our sisters and brothers in need around the world.
As people of faith, we are called to uphold human dignity and build a more peaceful and just world. U.S. international aid provides lifesaving food assistance in emergencies and supports long-term development programs that help communities build resilience for the future.
❗Your voice is needed to protect lifesaving international assistance!
The House has proposed steep cuts to many of the humanitarian and development accounts that are critical for addressing global poverty. While the Senate has largely proposed to maintain foreign assistance, until Congress finalizes fiscal year 2025 appropriations, it is essential that CRS supporters continue to advocate on this critical funding.
📧 Email your U.S. members of Congress today! Tell them to ensure the highest funding levels possible for international poverty-reducing humanitarian and development assistance in fiscal year 2025 appropriations.
➡️ By lifting your voice today, you help:
- Families and children access emergency food aid during a crisis.
- Smallholder farmers improve their crops so that they can earn a living and feed their families.
- Communities strengthen their capacity and ability to provide for their own needs.
Thank you for taking action today! Together, our collective voices can make a greater impact on policies that support the common good.
Did you know❓ Research shows that constituents’ voices have significant influence on congressional members’ decision-making, especially when communications are personalized—like sharing a story or demonstrating the impact an issue will have in the district or state. Don’t forget to personalize your message!