Woman from Guatemala holds a basket full of eggs
Photo by Oscar Leiva/Silverlight for CRS

Your voice is needed more than ever to protect hunger-reducing international assistance!

As people of faith, we are called to support our sisters and brothers facing the challenges of hunger and malnutrition. U.S. international aid provides lifesaving food assistance in emergencies and supports long-term development programs that help communities build resilience to overcome the challenges of hunger. 

Congress has traditionally supported international humanitarian and development funding in the past, but important development assistance and food aid was cut in the federal budget for fiscal year 2024.

It is even more essential that lawmakers know you care about helping our global family. At a time when global hunger and poverty are on the rise, we must act now to ensure communities around the world can access nutritious food, strengthen agricultural livelihoods and improve food security.

Email your U.S. members of Congress, urging them to increase hunger-reducing international humanitarian and development assistance in the fiscal year 2025 budget.

By lifting your voice today, you help: 

•    Smallholder farmers improve their crops so that they can earn a living and feed their families.
•    Children receive the daily nutrition they need to grow and reach developmental milestones.
•    Communities access emergency food aid during hunger crises caused by conflict and climate change.

Thank you for raising your voice to make a difference in the lives of our sisters and brothers experiencing severe hunger and malnutrition.

Did you know? Research shows that constituents’ voices have significant influence on congressional members’ decision-making, especially when communications are personalized—like sharing a story or demonstrating the impact an issue will have in the district or state. So be sure to personalize your message!